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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৪ জানুয়ারি ২০২৫

Anthrax Surveillance

Anthrax is a zoonotic disease and endemic in the northern districts of Bangladesh. In 2019, IEDCR initiated an active anthrax surveillance in 9 upazilas of 5 districts (Sirajgonj, Pabna, Meherpur, Tangail, and Rajshahi) based on previous anthrax outbreaks. Since 2020, almost all the anthrax cases were reported from Meherpur district. Therefore, surveillance activities continue in three upazilas in Meherpur district.


The surveillance platform is also supporting disease prevention efforts through community engagement by distributing IEC (Information, Education and Communication) materials, such as posters and trifold leaflets. Anthrax management guidelines for community intervention and campaign programs are also developed. Awareness programs were conducted at the hospital premises to increase knowledge on caring for sick animals, disposal of carcasses, and vaccination of animals. For the diagnosis of cutaneous anthrax, IEDCR initially did staining and culture, and later diagnosis is being made by RT-PCR testing.

• In 2022, out of 464 suspected cases, 85 samples were tested of which 62 were positive (73%). Most of the cases could not be tested due to dry-wound (healed-lesion). One positive case was from Kamarkhond upazila of Sirajgonj district and the remaining were from Gangni upazila of Meherpur district.

• In 2023, out of 655 suspected cases, 142 samples could be tested of which 78 (57%) were positive. All of the cases were from Gangni upazila of Meherpur district.


For further details, please click the link below:

-- https://iedcr.portal.gov.bd/site/page/23af0a61-c8d7-4fac-97a0-2e298491ebf6/-