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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৫ August ২০২৪

Dr. Sakia Haque


Name of the Fellow: Dr. Sakia Haque

Professional Role as FETP Fellow:

  • Surveillance Evaluation: Acute Encephalitis Syndrome Surveillance
  • Data Analysis: Data Analysis of National Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) Surveillance Data from 2017-2022
  • Analytical Project: Tobacco use, dietary practices, physical inactivity, and

obesity status among the 13–17 year-old age group of school-going children

  • Activities in IEDCR:
  • Nipah outbreak in Shariatpur, January 2023
  • 'One Health Anthrax Surveillance Training' in Meherpur, January,2023
  • An encephalitis patient in Rajshahi Medical College Hospital,Feb, 2023 (Team Lead)
  • Site of Investigation: Rajshahi and Natore
  • Nipah outbreak investigation in Shariatpur, Feb,2024 (Team Lead)
  • Site of Investigation: Shariatpur and Dhaka Medical College Hospital
    • Nipah Contact Study 06/05/2023 Faridpur Rajbari
    • Case Investigation of sudden avian death case, Feb, 2024
    • Case investigation of persistent pneumonia cases in Bangladesh Shishu Hospital,April, 2024
    • Case investigation of Cattle Death-Netrokona-13-14th June,2024


  • Publications, Abstracts, Conference papers & presentations:

Abstracts, Conference papers & presentations:

  1. Poster Presentation (Accepted with LMIC Grant):

Conference: World One Health Congress, 2024, 20-23 Sep, Cape Town

Title: A fatal case investigation of Nipah virus spillover to a child in one health approach at South-central part (Shariatpur) of Bangladesh, January-February 2024



1:Satter, Syed & Aquib, Wasik & Nazneen, Arifa & Rahman, Dewan & Ema, Fateha Akther & Alam, Ahmed Nawsher & Rahman, Mahbubur & Rahman, Mostafizur & Qayum, Md. Omar & Alam, Muhammad Rashedul & Islam, Ariful & Choudhury, Shusmita & Chowdhury, Nabila & Ibne Noman, Md. Zulqarnine & Mahmood, Abir & Muntasir, Immamul & Mily, Sabrina & Haque, Sakia & Barua, Shownam & Alam, Md. Sayik. (2023). A Comprehensive Review of Clinical Presentations of Nipah Virus Infection: Evidence Generated from Nipah Virus Outbreaks of 2023, Bangladesh. 2019

Awards and other achievement:

Nominated Youth to UNGA, NY, USA by HPM-2022

Acumen Fellowship-2021

Diana Award-2020

Joy Bangla Youth Award 2018

Speaker at Berlin Travel Festival 2020

Speaker at ZafigoX conference, Malaysia, 2018

Speaker at Ted Talk

First women to travel around the country in a motorcycle

Gender Equality Trainer of ‘Immigration Police’